Therapy for Adults

Trying to figure it all out is exhausting.

This ongoing fight inside and trying to determine the cause seems impossible. It’s what you’ve done for so long now, and you feel overwhelmed by all the bumps in your road, and the jolting attempts to avoid the seemingly never-ending potholes up ahead don’t always happen.

You tell yourself to breathe and stay positive, but sometimes you just can’t. It’s too much. You wish you could get out of the driver’s seat or be driving down a completely different road. You tell yourself, it’s not that bad, you keep pushing ahead, suck it up because that’s what you do.

And then, when you think maybe you got it figured out this time, you realize you don’t and start to spiral downward. It all feels so defeating. It’s like you are back at the starting line again.

The days and weeks keep floating by.

You’re on autopilot. You’re good; you’ve gotten good at holding it all together. Faking it through daily conversations without energy, forcing smiles while crossing paths with your colleagues, and the steady-state of holding your mask on tight so no one can see the real you are defense mechanisms that hide what you’re going through inside.

As you walk to your car or sign off from that last work meeting from home or finish cooking dinner for your family and walk to the bedroom closing the door – you find yourself in that space where you can finally drop that mask. The feelings flood back, and you are overwhelmed by them. You’re not sure if you should scream or cry anymore because you feel frustrated and exhausted.

The pain, anger, fear, emptiness, confusion, and loneliness are stressful and make you feel overwhelmed and tired. So, you start to numb yourself to these feelings, ignoring them and pushing them far away. You turn to your phone, get lost in the social media world, binge-watch some Netflix, grab that glass, or shoot the whole bottle to try and escape it all.

Yet, deep down, you can’t get away from that feeling because everything you’re trying to hold up feels like it is about to crack and come crashing down on you if you don’t do something soon. It’s cumbersome right now and too much to carry alone.

“How did I get here?” – “Something must shift.”

It’s easy to overthink everything, begin blaming yourself, and be disappointed in yourself because you feel like you’re driving in the opposite direction from where you need to go to reach your full potential in building the life you desire.

The endless cycle of anxiety, avoidance, procrastination, and fear has you spiraling, paralyzed, and stuck. It feels like you’re spinning in one place. That feeling keeps you up at night; the “what ifs” and the “should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve” narrate and consume your thoughts. You desperately want it to stop.

Things need to change to feel hopeful, gain clarity, and find a new roadmap for your life. You want to push past all that is holding you back, break this cycle, gain confidence, and change your story.

Healing and transformation are possible.

Whatever it is that’s stopping you or how things got to this point, we will figure it out together. You can begin rewriting your story, making changes in your narrative to one filled with ease, happiness, and joy.

As humans, we go through many stages of growth where we shed what does not fit to become an even better version of ourselves. With safety, compassion, and curiosity, we can review and rework those patterns and narratives and carve out the space to gain perspective, learn new skills, and change our ways of relating to each other and ourselves.

In this redesigning process, we can unearth and tend to our authentic self – choosing each moment with joy and ease.

Let’s create a map that leads away from pain, fear, and exhaustion.

Know that you are the master of your life and can rewrite your story.

I will be there to listen, witness, and support you as you move from surviving to thriving. When you feel stuck or overwhelmed, I can help you find new tools to increase your ability to cope.

My job is to create a safe, nonjudgmental space where you don’t have to face life’s challenges alone.

Call today for your free 30-minute phone consultation: (510) 473-5733. Together, we’ll design and lean into the vision of the life you want for yourself.